Looking Back

It’s been a while! I’ve been quite busy, with just school work and extracurriculars. This website came back to my mind while I was coding recently, and I thought it would be beneficial to do a quick check in on how I am doing with my 2024 goals. Well, it turns out my goals were pretty short term, hahaha. But honestly, I’m happy with how I’m doing this year. I think it truly grew in comparison to my Freshman year, so I’m proud of myself.

Kelly’s Goals for the 2023-2024 School Year (Updated):

  1. Finish the wrestling season.
    • Do not quit!
    • Technically I didn’t quit, so maybe? I got kicked out the very last week of the season because of too many absences. 😭
  2. Mantain a 4.0 GPA.
    • You cannot do bad on another chemistry test, again.
      • I’ve been doing mid, but not super bad!
  3. Go to Worlds for VEX.
    • Two time world qual! Got second in State, won skills champion and excellence.
  4. Go to ICDC for DECA.
    • Fourth in State! I was suprised I even placed at SCDC. I was talking to these two girls before the test and they were saying that they wanted to be accountants and are taking college level accounting courses 😭.
  5. Meet new people and try new things.
    • I feel like I’m getting better with opening myself up, but It could still take some work.
  6. Become a better writer.
    • This definitely needs work.
  7. Be happy.
  8. Do well at ICDC.
    • Get a medal for high test score
  9. Do well at Worlds.
    • Get a award maybe? Meet cool teams and learn new things!
  10. Hold a conversation with her for 2 minutes.
    • RIP 🗿